torsdag 4 april 2019


I always forget that I have this one blog. Haha! Anyway.
I´ve been hella busy doing freelance work and taking care of my (now) two baby boys, yaay! But recently, literally these last two weeks, I´ve been looking real hard at what I want to get out of my life. And no, it´s not really that depressing and deep. But I figured out that doing pretty lonely, socially. Don´t get me wrong, freelance is amazing in many aspects, but nothing can replace the social interation with colleagues and friends. So! I applied to a job at a really really cool company here in Oslo. They do narrative driven games, story games, with a semi-realistic artstyle and a super cozy feel! And I knooooow that I would fit right in there, given that I absolutely love story games and I know I have the skills they desire. Ok, I need to calm myself down. Breathe. So... I sent away an application as a 3D artist generalist. I really hope they read it.

 I´d love say 'now let´s play the waiting game' but knowing how this industry works, someone probably already filled out the position. Keeping the grind up and the spirits high, is what I will do. Because that is the only thing that will further my own skills and maybe landing the next job I apply for. #keepingitreal

Now my youngest boy is crying, until next time!

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